Biosphere Reserve
Its rugged terrain, with deep valleys and peaks over 2,000 metres high, is one of the wildest and best-preserved mountain environments in the north of the peninsula. The “Somedano” landscape is home to the full diversity of geological substrata of the Cantabrian Mountains and the best sample of mountain lakes in all of Spain, with the exception of the Pyrenees.

Incredible biodiversity
Extensive, well-preserved deciduous forests of beech, oak, birch, mountain ash and other Atlantic species, accompanied by a complete community of Cantabrian forest and mountain fauna, including representative species such as wolf, isard, roe deer, marten, black woodpecker, etc.

But there’s no denying that the Cantabrian brown bear is Somiedo’s most representative animal, due to its rarity and the fact that it has become a veritable environmental symbol.